Lip Blush 10ml
The perfect colour for indecisiveness! LB is designed for customers, who do not wear make-up often, but wish for youthful freshness. This beautiful tulip wood-colour is especially extravagant and delicate when being applied with the lip blushing (powdery) technique. Particularly customers with a desire for a subtle yet refreshing lip tint, will love LB!
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The perfect colour for indecisiveness! LB is designed for customers, who do not wear make-up often, but wish for youthful freshness. This beautiful tulip wood-colour is especially extravagant and delicate when being applied with the lip blushing (powdery) technique. Particularly customers with a desire for a subtle yet refreshing lip tint, will love LB! When working with the classic full shading technique outstandingly elegant results are to be expected. For Customers who always wear lipstick, LB should be mixed with a vivid colour, such as DL or VB to darken the overall colour tone. For a look of well circulated and „freshly kissed” lips, mix in BA or MR.
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